Innovation Trio: SwapRent, FARJHO & TARELV

Shared Appreciation through Shared Cash Flows – the New Economic Owning, Renting and Own-Rent Switching Concepts as well as Business Methods for Managing Real Estate Properties –

0315 2013 PeoplesAlly Foundation’s crowdfunding project on Indiegogo

Please help support PeoplesAlly Foundation’s crowdfunding project on Indiegogo. Contributions are tax deductible.

PeoplesAlly Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization headquartered in Southern California that focuses on providing portable housing affordability to low income working families and helping regular middle class home seeking Americans to own homes without the use of debt.

Its main service is an innovative creation of a new home co-ownership structure called FARJHO (Flexible And Reversible Joint Home Ownership). PeoplesAlly Foundation helps educate the public and promote the awareness of the availability of alternative free market choices for consumers to own homes without incurring debt.

Through its affiliation with the online home equity crowdfunding portal site as well as the offline FARJHO Funds, it aims to ultimately conduct FARJHO matching services in conjunction with the efforts of the state and local housing agencies. A dedicated website will be set up to serve as the portal for the foundation’s members.

Filed under: Crowdfunding, Economic Viewpoints, Equity Sharing, FARJHO, Federal Government, Housing, PeoplesAlly, , , ,

How can FARJHO help you?

Introducing FARJHO services at PeoplesAlly Foundation.

Filed under: Economic Viewpoints, Equity Sharing, FARJHO, InvestorsAlly, PeoplesAlly,

0304 2013 FARJHO offers a unique ability to curb wealth distribution inequality through home co-ownership

Although FARJHO was not created specifically with the egalitarian motive for helping the poor but rather a creative win-win free market based solution for both the aspiring home owners with less financial means and the well-to-do property investors to build wealth to co-prosper together, the equity sharing nature of FARJHO does offer a timely help to prevent further inequality in the wealth distribution among our country’s citizens under our current economic situation.

I refer back to the proposal we had submitted to FHFA back in September, 2011 in response to their public RFI, . The proposal was primarily for the GSEs to consider selling the single family homes in their foreclosure portfolios to both retail aspiring home owners and the Wall Street hedge funds or DC private equity firms together as fellow FARJHO LLC members for each single family home, one home at a time, rather than selling these single family homes in bulk, at heavily discounted prices, only to those well-connected hedge funds and private equity firms as profiteering middlemen.

Rather than treating the ex-middle class American families as the new serfdom renters to those new noble PE and hedge fund landlords via selling our national assets (these foreclosed homes are owned by the government sponsored Fannie and Freddie via our tax money), the GSEs could use FARJHO directly to sell equity stake in each single family home directly to both the PE firms, hedge funds or crowdfunding investors and aspiring homeowners who could not obtain a mortgage, at the same price, on the same terms and at the same time so that no rich fund operators need to become the new landlords and no property speculators who have access to easy credit need to buy at deep discount in bulk from the GSEs in order to flip the properties before these single family homes get to be rightfully sold to the home seeking end users.

Somehow the built-in democratic wealth distribution inequality correction features of FARJHO have not been properly understood and adequately communicated to the public over the years so far since its creation in 2009. As a result, hedge funds and private equity firms continue their feasts on buying up the single family homes left and right to become the new landlords in our economic society. The ex-middle class (and now homeless or propertyless) Americans continue to be told that the Fed’s low interest rate policy and the Administration’s housing policy have worked magic in bringing about a great economic recovery in American housing sector and they actually need a pat on their backs for the good jobs they have done for our country.

Meanwhile, the fleecing of the GSE’s foreclosed single family home portfolios continues. Isn’t it the greatest heist of the American wealth by the concentrated privileged few, while aided by the government’s misguided economic policies, right in front of our eyes? I think we do urgently need some politicians who could understand what FARJHO is and what the new FARJHO related home ownership solutions could provide in order to help curb these serious problems of furthering inequality in wealth distribution among our citizens caused by the current abusive government housing and interest rate policies in a timely manner.

For more introductory information on FARJHO and how it works please click on the following link to my draft paper on FARJHO, or visit and the home equity crowdfunding portal site .

Filed under: Economic Viewpoints, Equity Sharing, FARJHO, Federal Government, Housing, InvestorsAlly, Mortgage, PeoplesAlly, , , , , , ,



