Innovation Trio: SwapRent, FARJHO & TARELV

Shared Appreciation through Shared Cash Flows – the New Economic Owning, Renting and Own-Rent Switching Concepts as well as Business Methods for Managing Real Estate Properties –

0522 2013 FARJHO is the answer to Rep Loretta Sanchez’s question to Fed Chairman Bernanke today.

In Bernanke’s testimony today, Representative Loretta Sanchez asked about how middle class families who had lost their homes in the downturn have been unable to regain home ownership in the current housing price run-up made happen by the new hedge fund land lords.

Immediately following that, Senator Mike Lee asked Bernanake about the potential danger in repeating the previous credit bubble by the current loose monetary policy and easy credit again pop up the housing sector.

I am glad to see that the politicians will finally start realizing the problems with the Fed’s monetary policy and the Administration’s housing policies. I think they both may want to read my recent previous blog posts below to find the answers to their questions and assume a leader role to take the necessary actions with FARJHO to correct these serious middle class home ownership problems in a timely manner. It would be nice if only they could start watching the short introductory video about FARJHO to begin with.

Anybody who knows them, please feel free to forward this post to them. Thanks.

Filed under: Economic Viewpoints, Equity Sharing, FARJHO, Federal Government, Housing, InvestorsAlly, PeoplesAlly, , , , , , , , ,

0403 2013 Let ex-middle class propertyless Americans co-prosper with the property investors through FARJHO

I watched David Stockman’s recently comments on TV about the phony money economy and the great recovery of the 1% created by the Fed’s money printing. I can’t agree with his thoughts more.

As I also said in many of my blog posts before, if the Bernanke-led Fed loves blowing bubbles so much, why did they (including Ben himself) even bother to rush to pop the previous bubbles back in 2004 to 2007 to create the financial crisis to begin with? It could have been managed in a soft landing without those bold moves to raise interest rates back then. Innovations in economic methods and tools could have made a major difference if only they were willing to learn a few new things.

Equity sharing concept has been around for quite some time. All that was needed is a better mousetrap in new business methods to implement that old simple concept. If they had applied themselves to conduct more innovative research and thinking they could have come to some solutions similar to the FARJHO structure invention themselves. Since that is not the case, it has made the FARJHO method much more difficult to be adopted since it was not invented there.

Now that they have created the havoc in 2008 that has made many parts of the Western world’s economy upside down ever since. The prescription they have given to our dilapidated Main Street economy was nothing more than to go back to blow yet more bubbles all over again on Wall Street, and with the might of a nuclear arsenal to re-inflate a phony economy in a way that would make Greenspan’s previous loose monetary policy looks like blowing a small bubble gum.

The net result of this whipsawing interest rates induced flip-flop instability of ours and the global economy they have created from popping and re-inflating the bubbles is the quantum shift of our nation’s property wealth from the 99% to the 1%. Ex-middle class Americans lost their homes when the Fed blindly popped the bubbles without any rescue plan for the aftermath. Now with the extreme low interest rates to re-inflate the economy that only the well-connected institutions and the wealthy individuals left from the aftermath could benefit from, properties were snapped up by these elite property investors left, right and center. Whatever happened to the government’s lofty goal when they setup the GSEs to help American citizens to realize their American dreams of a home ownership?

We plan to launch the FARJHO services under our non-profit organization PeoplesAlly Foundation as well so that low income working families could also enjoy the new benefits of FARJHO. Hopefully we could do our share to help restore the ex-middle class Americans back to be property owners again. Please help support our membership drive crowdfunding campaign at .

There would also be many opportunities for institutional investors to work with us in this mission. They could either partner with us to set up many co-branded series of FARJHO Funds in different geographical area as seed funds to show case to free market investors the enhanced economic benefits or they could simply set up their own funds to co-invest in the FARJHO programs that we help the low-income homeowners with. The Fund does not have to be non-profit itself. The Fund will simply selectively invest in the non-profit Foundation’s FARJHO projects on a pure free market basis.

It is indeed an opportunity to do well while doing good for these participating free market investors. In this way, it also helps us keep our efforts on a pure free market basis as well, which is central to our belief that capitalistic methods could be more efficiently and effectively used to achieve social goals.


Filed under: Crowdfunding, Economic Viewpoints, Equity Sharing, FARJHO, Federal Government, Housing, InvestorsAlly, Mortgage, PeoplesAlly, , , , , , ,



